
✈ 仲崇毅老師







仲崇毅 教授/休閒暨餐旅學院院長








  1. 大仁科技大學主任秘書
  2. 大仁科技大學休閒暨餐旅學院院長
  3. 大仁科技大學休閒暨餐旅學院副院長
  4. 大仁科技大學觀光事業系主任


  1. 華語領隊
  2. 華語導遊
  3. 旅行業資訊管理系統認證
  4. 旅行業電子商務系統認證
  5. 國際專案管理專案副理(IMPA D級)種子講師
  6. 環境教育人員認證
  7. 國際航空票務從業人員認証


  1. 生態旅遊規劃
  2. 環境變遷與永續發展
  3. 環境減碳評估
  4. 區域碳中和管理


  1. 生態旅遊
  2. 綠色觀光與環境保育
  3. 航空訂位系統實務
  4. 旅行業資訊系統
  5. 航空票務


  1. 環境工程學會學術論文獎
  2. 環境工程學會梁文傑教授紀念論文獎
  3. 行政院青年輔導委員會積極服務榮譽獎章
  4. 行政院青年輔導委員會傑出服務榮譽獎章
  5. 大仁科技大學優良學術教師獎
  6. 中國土木水利學會優秀論文獎
  7. 南區技專校院師生優良產學論文選拔—醫護管理碩士組傑出獎
  8. 「第一屆屏東縣綠色及資源再利用產品創意競賽」第二名
  9. 大仁科技大學「校內遊程設計創意人才選拔」第二名
  10. 指導研究生論文發表競賽第一名
  11. 「2014觀光菁英盃全國遊程設計競賽暨國際觀摩會南區初賽」國內旅遊組佳作
  12. 2015 第二屆觀光盃遊程設計創意競賽國內旅遊組第一名
  13. 2015 第二屆觀光盃遊程設計創意競賽來台旅客組第二名
  14. 「2016觀光菁英盃全國遊程設計競賽暨國際觀摩會南區初賽」國內旅遊組佳作
  15. 2016遊程教育傑出教師
  16. 2017大仁科技大學學生實務專題製作競賽 第一名


  1. 台9 線原鄉特色加值發展-獅子鄉文化資產永續(USR計畫)
  2. 應用熏氣技術評估綠化植栽減碳效益及滯塵能力
  3. 低碳觀光遊憩規劃暨發展潛勢評估
  4. 泰武鄉伴手禮提袋設計製作
  5. 泰武鄉馬克杯禮盒組設計製作
  6. 部落觀光資源調查暨生態旅遊規劃
  7. 綠化植栽固碳效能與環境因子關連性分析
  8. 綠色觀光產業資源調查
  9. 提升私校研發能量專案3年期整合型計畫-人工濕地整合型功能之研究
  10. 提升私校研發能量專案3年期整合型計畫-原住民部落因應氣候變遷之環境永續經營策略及作法:以霧台鄉魯凱族部落為例
  11. 行道樹對臭氧耐受力分析
  12. 綠化植栽滯塵效能分析
  13. 畜牧業異味逸散調查分析
  14. 養豬場異味逸散模擬分析
  15. 區域碳中和模式建立及碳平衡效益評估
  16. 生質能源技術開發暨能源教育建置與推廣整合型計畫(II)-區域環境碳中和效益評估
  17. 農科園區及週遭環境異味分析及研究
  18. 麟洛人工濕地排水水質改善工程後續監測暨處理成效評估
  19. 畜牧業異味防制生物反應器操作條件最佳化分析
  20. 對二氧化硫耐受性及淨化力優良樹種篩選暨二氧化碳固定效益評估
  21. 生質能源技術開發暨能源教育建置與推廣整合型計畫(I)-校園減碳效益評估
  22. 應用熏氣技術評估植物對二氧化硫耐受性暨淨化效益之研究
  23. 畜牧業異味生物處理效能評估
  24. 二氧化硫對植物固定二氧化碳量之影響分析
  25. 異味生物處理技術效能評估
  26. 屏東市健康城市推動計畫
  27. 農業科技園區畜牧事業異味之生物防治研究
  28. 裝潢店面室內甲醛分佈特性長期監測分析
  29. 醫療院所人員對空氣污染物暴露評估及健康危害風險評估
  30. 校園實驗室內外空氣污染物特性之分析研究
  31. 屏東市健康城市推動
  32. 中鋼公司廠區灌木綠化減低CO2效益評估及耐空污植物篩選
  33. 工業區大氣懸浮微粒特性分析
  34. 辦公區室內空氣品質調查分析
  35. 常見綠化樹種對空氣污染物耐受程度之分析研究
  36. 對二氧化硫忍耐力優良樹種之篩選與評估
  37. 裝潢店面內甲醛分佈特性分析
  38. 營業場所內臭氧分佈特性分析
  39. 室內空氣品質通風評估模式之建立及健康危害風險評估之研究
  40. 屏東地區大氣中臭氧及懸浮微粒特徵分佈之研究
  41. 山地鄉學校環境衛生之研究—以屏東縣為例
  42. 學校環境衛生之研究—以崎峰國小為例
  43. 室內臭氧污染之分析研究
  44. 幼兒園所環境品質特性分析
  45. 幼兒園所空氣品質特性分析
  46. 中鋼公司生態導覽網頁建置、耐空污植物篩選及綠化減低CO2效益評估
  47. 環境品質監測技術開發、控制與管理學程
  48. 室內污染物擴散傳輸特性之分析研究
  49. 客運站附近空氣中懸浮微粒分佈特性之研究
  50. 國小校園環境品質之調查分析研究
  51. 車行地下道內空氣污染物分佈及傳輸之分析研究


  1. American Society of Civil Engineers
  2. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
  3. Building and Environment
  4. Desalination and Water Treatment
  5. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  6. Environmental Technology
  7. Edorium Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
  8. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
  9. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
  10. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  11. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  12. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences
  13. Journal of Pollution Effects & Control
  14. Low Carbon Economy
  15. Water
  16. 觀光產業與航空管理期刊



  1. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2016) Development of the Biochemical Parameters of Selected Plants Exposed with Ozone Gas, Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Vol. 7, No. 6.
  2. Yi-Chih Tsai, Chung-Yi Chung, Chao-Cheng Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao  (2016) The Impact of Typhoon Morakot on Heavy Metals of Dapeng Bayand Pollution from Neighboring Rivers, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 21, pp. 479-487. (SCI)
  3. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Ting-Lun Huang, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao (2014) Evaluation of the Sulfur Dioxide Pollution Tolerance of Sidewalk Plants, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 955-959, pp. 797-801. (EI)
  4. Chung-Yi Chung , Chang-Ling Miaw, Yung-Chuan Huang, Chao-Cheng Chung, Tien-Jen Lo (2014) Investigation of carbon footprint on campus - A case study of Tajen University, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 962-965, pp. 1495-1499. (EI)
  5. Hwa-Sheng Gau  ,Sasala Taiban, Chung-Yi Chung, Ting-lun Huang, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2014) Toward the Development of Ecotourism Attitudes Among Residents of Wutai Township Following Typhoon Morakot, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 955-959, pp. 1578-1582. (EI)
  6. Yi-Chyun Hsu, Jing-Wen Cao, Shao-Wei Liao, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai  (2014) Fluorescent Signatures of Organic Matter Attached on Particulate Particle in the Atmosphere Surrounding in Steel Factory, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 955-959, pp. 1224-1228. (EI)
  7. Hsin-Yi Kuo, Yung-Chuan Huang, Chao-Cheng Chung, Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao  (2014) Spatial and temporal variance analysis of water quality purification in Linluo artificial wetland, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 955-959, pp. 1250-1254. (EI)
  8. Fong-Jueh Ho, Yaw-Jian Lin, Hsin-Yi Kuo, Yung-Chuan Huang, Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao  (2014) Using structural equation modeling to analyze knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning wetland conservation, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 955-959, pp. 1418-1422. (EI)
  9. Chao-Cheng Chung , Sze-Ting Chen, Yen-Yen Chen, Chung-Yi Chung (2014) The empricial study for national determinant of Coffee consumption, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 962-965, pp. 1275-1278. (EI)
  10. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2014) Study on the tolerance of common tree species to nitrogen dioxide, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 448-453, pp. 960-963. (EI)
  11. Jing-Wen Cao, Shao-Wei Liao, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Chun-Yen Chiu, Wen-Liang Lai  (2014) Specific Fluorescent Fingerprint of organic matter in Advanced Water Treatment and Its Molecular Weight, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 448-453, pp. 317-321. (EI)
  12. Shih-Chieh Chen, Chao-Cheng Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao  (2014) Correlation Analysis between Primary Productivity Factors and Water Environment Factors, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 448-453, pp. 902-907. (EI)
  13. 廖少威 、仲崇毅、賴文亮、高華聲、李崇垓 (2014) 人工濕地各單元水池水質淨化的差異分析,環境工程會刊,第25卷,第1期,pp. 1~11。
  14. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、廖少威、賴文亮 (2013) 畜牧場異味檢測暨逸散模擬分析,環境保護學刊,第36卷,pp. 25-34。
  15. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) Evaluation of the influence of the chlorophyll fluorescence of plant after fumigated with ozone gas, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 437, pp. 1050-1053. (EI)
  16. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2013) The Purifying Efficiency of Trees to High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide. Advanced Science Letters. Vol. 19. No. 10, pp. 3103-3106. (SCI)
  17. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2013) Assessment of the influence of the Tolerance and Purification Ability of Sidewalk Trees to Sulfur Dioxide after Long-term Fumigation. Advanced Science Letters. Vol. 19. No. 9, pp. 2731-2735. (SCI)
  18. 鍾佩伶、高華聲、林國祥、仲崇毅  (2013) 國小學童環境行為及環境知識來源探討,國際通識學刊,第6期,pp. 73-84。
  19. 仲崇毅 、王詩萍、鍾佩伶、李芳胤 (2013) 校園綠化環境分析暨減碳規劃評估,大仁學報,第43期,pp. 1-13。
  20. Jian-Li Lin, Chih-Ming Kao, Jen-Jeng Chen, Shao-Wei Liao, Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai  (2013) Effects of Backwashing on the Characteristics of Sand Filtration Effluents: Organic and Microbial Analyses, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 353-356, pp. 2921-2925. (EI)
  21. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao, Chang-Ling Miaw (2013) Analysis of the chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and tolerance ability of Taiwan protophyte with ozone gas exposure, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 726-731, pp. 3908-3911. (EI)
  22. Shao-Wei Liao, Jing-Wen Cao, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Cheng-Chung Lee, Wen-Liang Lai  (2013) Correlation between Fluorescent and UV Absorbance in Dissolved Organic Matter of the Effluent from the Pulp Mill, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 726-731, pp. 1463-1467. (EI)
  23. Shih-Chieh Chen, Wen-Liang Lai, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao  (2013) Spatial and Temporal Variation on Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Dapeng Bay and Neighboring Rivers, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 726-731, pp. 1378-1382. (EI)
  24. Yi-Jen Liao, Hwa-Sheng Gau , Sasala Taiban, Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) A Study on the Use of the NDVI as Distribution Factors for Water Resources Conservation and Compensation Fees, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 726-731, pp. 3662-3667. (EI)
  25. Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao  (2013) Interpretation and apportionment source of pollution of PAHs from neighboring rivers in Dapeng Bay (Taiwan). Water Environment Research, Vol. 85, No. 4, pp. 308-317. (SCI)
  26. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) Assessment of the Influence of Carbon Absorption Efficiency of Plants with High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 684, pp. 212-216. (EI)
  27. Sasala Taiban, Hwa-Sheng Gau , Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) A strategy of Sustainable Environment Management:The Case Study of Wutai Township in Taiwan, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 684, pp. 207-211. (EI)
  28. Wen-Liang Lai, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Chung-Yi Chung, Shih-Chieh Chen, Shao-Wei Liao  (2013) To Recognize Sources of Pollution in Dapeng Bay by Sediment Quality in Southern Taiwan, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 684, pp. 217-221. (EI)
  29. 李芳胤 、王詩萍、仲崇毅、鍾佩伶 (2013) 垃圾焚化廠底渣重金屬脫附性之探討,大仁學報,No. 42,pp. 67-74。
  30. Lih-Fu Chen, Jen-Jeng Chen, Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai  (2013) Specific Fluorescent Signatures for Microalgae and Their Released Organic Matter, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 240-246. (SCI)  
  31. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai, Chang-Ling Miaw (2012) Assessment of the Tolerance of Trees to High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 518-523, pp. 5423-5428. (EI)
  32. Gau Hwa-Sheng , Chung Chung-Yi, Liao Shao-Wei, Lai Wen-Liang (2012) To classify the groundwater hydrographs by factor analysis method, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 518-523, pp. 4097-4103. (EI)
  33. Chun-Yen Chiu, Wei-Lun Lee, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai , Shao-Wei Liao  (2012) Distribution and sources of PAHs and sediment properties in Southern Taiwan, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 518-523, pp. 1301-1306. (EI)
  34. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-ling Chung, Shao-wei Liao (2012) Assessment of the Efficiency and Optimized Operational Conditions of Biological Deodorization Reactor in Hog Farm. Journal of Agricultural Science and Applications (JASA). Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 13-16.
  35. 鍾佩伶、林國祥、仲崇毅  (2012) 國小學童環境問題認知探討-以屏東市與枋寮鄉為例,大仁學報,No. 40,pp. 25-38。
  36. 廖少威 、賴文亮、仲崇毅、高華聲 (2012) 莫拉克風災對大鵬灣螺貝類生物多樣性衝擊暨底泥重金屬來源分析,環境工程會刊,Vol. 23,No. 1,pp. 1-11。
  37. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2011) Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Reduction Efficiency Using the Regional Carbon Neutral Model - A Case Study in University Campus, Taiwan. Low Carbon Economy. Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 159-164.
  38. 郭耀綸 、李芳胤、仲崇毅 (2011) 適生於空氣污染條件下之樹種評估與篩選,林業研究專訊, Vol. 18,No. 4,pp. 46-49。
  39. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Shao-Wei Liao (2011) Carbon Fixation Efficiency of Plants Influenced by Sulfur Dioxide. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 173, No. 1, pp. 701-707.
  40. Chung-Yi Chung, Jen-Jeng Chen, Chang-Gai Lee, Chun-Yen Chiu, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao  (2011) Integrated Estuary Management for Diffused Sediment Pollution in Dapeng Bay and Neighboring Rivers (Taiwan). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 173, No. 1, pp. 499-517.
  41. Lai, W. L., Chen, J. J., Chung, C.Y., Lee, C. G. and Liao, S. W . (2010) The Influence of Lagoon on Neighboring Rivers by Water and Sediment Quality, Water Science and Technology. Vol. 61, No. 10, pp. 2477-2489. (SCI)
  42. Pei-Ling Chung, Chung-Yi Chung , Shao-Wei Liao, Chang-Ling Miaw (2009) Assessment of the School Drinking Water Supply and the Water Quality in Pingtung County, Taiwan, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 159, No. 1-4, pp. 207-216
  43. 鍾佩伶、仲崇毅  (2009) 校園飲用水品質滿意度分析,中華民國自來水協會會刊,Vol. 28, No. 3,pp. 10-15。
  44. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤 (2009) 植栽對鋼鐵廠空氣中微粒物質及SO2淨化效能評,中國粉體技術,Vol. 15,No. 2,pp. 84-87。
  45. 鍾佩伶、仲崇毅 、李芳胤、郭耀綸 (2009) 綠化植栽對大氣懸浮微粒淨化效能評估,大仁學報,No. 34,pp. 1-8。
  46. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶 (2008) 堆肥場異味生物控制效能評估,環境保護學刊,Vol. 31,No. 2,pp. 100-108。2008. 12。
  47. 郭耀綸 、陳家儀、李芳胤、仲崇毅 (2008) 二氧化硫短期燻氣對十七種樹苗葉部傷害及生理活性之影響,作物、環境與生物資訊,Vol. 5,pp. 113-126。
  48. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤、郭耀綸 (2008) 常見木本植物對二氧化硫之耐性分析,中華林學季刊,Vol.41,No. 3,pp. 339-349。
  49. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李正忠、李崇垓 (2008) 軸流式通風系統對隧道內一氧化碳濃度稀釋效能分析,中國土木水利工程學刊,Vol. 20,No. 2,pp. 285-291。(98年度中國土木水利學會優秀論文獎) (EI)
  50. Chung-Yi, Chung ; Pei-Ling Chung (2007) A Numerical and Experimental Study of Pollutant Dispersion in A Traffic Tunnel, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 130, pp. 289-299. (SCI)
  51. Cheng-Chung Lee, Terng-Jou Wan, Chao-Yin Kuo , Chung-Yi Chung (2007) Modified Grey Model for Estimating Traffic Tunnel Air Quality, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 132, pp. 351-364. (SCI)
  52. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤、郭耀綸 (2007) 植物對氮氧化物及硫氧化物淨化效能評估,中華林學季刊,Vol. 40,No. 4,pp. 497-507。
  53. 鍾佩伶、仲崇毅 、林頎生 (2007) 校園飲用水品質之分析研究,中華民國自來水協會會刊,Vol. 26,No. 4,pp. 20-29。
  54. 鍾佩伶、仲崇毅 、龔熒慧、林頎生、許嘉裕 (2007) 屏東縣各級學校飲用水供水品質滿意度及差異性分析,大仁學報,No. 31,pp. 79-88。
  55. Lee, C.C.; Wan. T.J.; Kuo , C.Y.; Chung, C.Y. (2006) Estimating Air Quality in a Traffic Tunnel Using a Forecasting Combination Model, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 112, pp. 327-345. (SCI)
  56. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶 (2006) 隧道內污染擴散傳輸模式之發展與應用,大仁學報,No. 28,pp. 37-50。
  57. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李崇垓、陳康興 (2003) 交通隧道內氣流及污染物擴散傳輸之三維模擬分析,大仁學報,No. 24,pp. 49-60。
  58. 李崇垓 、許慶聞、仲崇毅、張詒恩、葉耀仁、王瑞雲 (2003) 大鵬灣風景特定區大氣中氣膠之特徵,大仁學報,No. 24,pp. 35-48。
  59. Chen, K.S. ; Chung, C.Y.; Wang, S.W. (2002) Measurement and Three-Dimensional Modeling of Airflow and Pollutant Dispersion in An Undersea Traffic Tunnel, Journal of Air and Waste Management Associate, Vol. 52, pp. 349-363. (SCI)
  60. Chung, C.Y. ; Chen, K.S.; Chung, P.L. (2002) Modeling Air Pollution in a Road Tunnel, Journal of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 227-234.(中華民國環境工程學會九十二年度梁文傑教授紀念論文獎)
  61. Chung, C.Y. ; Chen, K.S.; Yuan, C.S.; Hung, C.H. (2001) Modeling of Air Pollutant Dispersion in a Longitudinal Ventilated Traffic Tunnel, Journal of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 237-244.(中華民國環境工程學會九十一年度學術論文獎)
  62. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、楊玉聖、張志文、鐘尉彰 (2001) 機車排氣中粒狀及氣狀污染物分佈特性之研究,大仁學報,No. 20,pp. 99-114。
  63. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、蔡介堯、楊琇晶、邱聖峰 (2000) 屏東縣空氣品質問題之分析研究,大仁學報,No. 18,pp. 175-188。
  64. 李崇垓 、袁中新、劉山豪、廖少威、仲崇毅 (2000) 以受體模式探討高雄都會區大氣中細微粒之污染來源,大仁學報,No. 18,pp. 101-105。
  65. 仲崇毅 、李崇垓、廖少威、鍾佩伶 (1999) 屏東工業區空氣中懸浮微粒粒徑分佈之研究,大仁學報,No. 17,pp. 145-158。


  1. 仲崇毅 、陳怡錚 (2019) 原鄉觀光旅遊發展對部落文化及環境衝擊評估,2019 觀光、休閒暨餐旅管理學術研討會。台灣台南,台灣首府大學,pp. 38。2019.5.54。
  2. Chung-Yi Chung  (2018) A study of the tolerance of green plants to ozone gas, International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE 2018), Taichung, Taiwan. 2018.11. 26-28.
  3. 朱淑慧 、仲崇毅、鄧世昌 (2015) 體驗經濟觀點的休閒農場經營策略之研究-以高雄市美濃區美綠生態園區休閒農場為例,2015休閒運動、觀光餐旅、健康及生活應用管理學術研討會。台灣屏東,大仁科技大學,pp.281-286。2015.11.28。
  4. 李崇垓 、賴文亮、仲崇毅、龔意庭 (2015) 以階層迴歸分析法探討高雄地區能見度之影響因子,第五屆海峽兩岸環境保護會議。台灣高雄。p.36。2015.8.17-19。
  5. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Ting-Lun Huang, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao (2014) Evaluation of the Sulfur Dioxide Pollution Tolerance of Sidewalk Plants, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICREET 2014), Xi'An, China. 2014.4.26-27.
  6. Chung-Yi Chung , Chang-Ling Miaw, Yung-Chuan Huang, Chao-Cheng Chung, Tien-Jen Lo (2014) Investigation of carbon footprint on campus - A case study of Tajen University, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICREET 2014), Xi'An, China. 2014.4.26-27.
  7. Hwa-Sheng Gau  ,Sasala Taiban, Chung-Yi Chung, Ting-lun Huang, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2014) Toward the Development of Ecotourism Attitudes Among Residents of Wutai Township Following Typhoon Morakot, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICREET 2014), Xi'An, China. 2014.4.26-27
  8. Yi-Chyun Hsu, Jing-Wen Cao, Shao-Wei Liao, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai  (2014) Fluorescent Signatures of Organic Matter Attached on Particulate Particle in the Atmosphere Surrounding in Steel Factory, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICREET 2014), Xi'An, China. 2014.4.26-27
  9. Hsin-Yi Kuo, Yung-Chuan Huang, Chao-Cheng Chung, Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao  (2014) Spatial and temporal variance analysis of water quality purification in Linluo artificial wetland, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICREET 2014), Xi'An, China. 2014.4.26-27
  10. Fong-Jueh Ho, Yaw-Jian Lin, Hsin-Yi Kuo, Yung-Chuan Huang, Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao  (2014) Using structural equation modeling to analyze knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning wetland conservation, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICREET 2014), Xi'An, China. 2014.4.26-27
  11. Chao-Cheng Chung , Sze-Ting Chen, Yen-Yen Chen, Chung-Yi Chung (2014) The empricial study for national determinant of Coffee consumption, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICREET 2014), Xi'An, China. 2014.4.26-27
  12. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) Study on the tolerance of common tree species to nitrogen dioxide, 2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (ICREET 2013), Jilin, China. 2013.9.21-22.
  13. Jing-Wen Cao, Shao-Wei Liao, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Chun-Yen Chiu, Wen-Liang Lai  (2013) Specific Fluorescent Fingerprint of organic matter in Advanced Water Treatment and Its Molecular Weight, 2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (ICREET 2013), Jilin, China. 2013.9.21-22.
  14. Shih-Chieh Chen, Chao-Cheng Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao  (2013) Correlation Analysis between Primary Productivity Factors and Water Environment Factors, 2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (ICREET 2013), Jilin, China. 2013.9.21-22.
  15. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) Evaluation of the influence of the chlorophyll fluorescence of plant after fumigated with ozone gas, 2nd International Conference on Automatic Control and Mechatronic Engineering (ICACME 2013), Bangkok, Thailand. 2013.6.21-22.
  16. Jian-Li Lin, Chih-Ming Kao, Jen-Jeng Chen, Shao-Wei Liao, Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai  (2013) Effects of Backwashing on the Characteristics of Sand Filtration Effluents: Organic and Microbial Analyses, 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), Jinan, China. 2013.5.25-26.
  17. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau,Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao, Chang-Ling Miaw (2013) Analysis of the chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and tolerance ability of Taiwan protophyte with ozone gas exposure, The 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2013), Guilin, China. 2013.4.20-21.
  18. Shao-Wei Liao, Jing-Wen Cao, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Cheng-Chung Lee, Wen-liang Lai  (2013) Correlation between Fluorescent and UV Absorbance in Dissolved Organic Matter of the Effluent from the Pulp Mill, The 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2013), Guilin, China. 2013.4.20-21.
  19. Shih-Chieh Chen, Wen-Liang Lai, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao  (2013) Spatial and Temporal Variation on Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Dapeng Bay and Neighboring Rivers, The 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2013), Guilin, China. 2013.4.20-21
  20. Yi-Jen Liao, Hwa-Sheng Gau , Sasala Taiban, Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) A Study on the Use of the NDVI as Distribution Factors for Water Resources Conservation and Compensation Fees, The 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2013), Guilin, China. 2013.4.20-21
  21. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) Assessment of the Influence of Carbon Absorption Efficiency of Plants with High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide, International Conference on Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering (AMEE 2013), HongKong, China. 2013.4.19-20.
  22. Sasala Taiban, Hwa-Sheng Gau , Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2013) A strategy of Sustainable Environment Management:The Case Study of Wutai Township in Taiwan, International Conference on Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering (AMEE 2013), HongKong, China. 2013.4.19-20.
  23. Wen-Liang Lai, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Chung-Yi Chung, Shih-Chieh Chen, Shao-Wei Liao  (2013) To Recognize Sources of Pollution in Dapeng Bay by Sediment Quality in Southern Taiwan, International Conference on Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering (AMEE 2013), HongKong, China. 2013.4.19-20.
  24. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao (2012) Assessment of the Influence of Carbon Absorption Efficiency of Plants with High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide, 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT 2012), Bali, Indonesia. 2012.12.1-2.
  25. Wen-Liang Lai, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao  (2012) The Influence of Lagoon on Neighboring Rivers by Sediment Quality in Southern Taiwan, 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT 2012), Bali, Indonesia. 2012.12.1-2.
  26. Sasala Taiban, Hwa-Sheng Gau , Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai (2012) A strategy of Sustainable Environment Management:The Case Study of Wutai Township in Taiwan, 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT 2012), Bali, Indonesia. 2012.12.1-2.
  27. 李崇垓 、賴文亮、仲崇毅、廖少威、王立宏 (2012) 以減碳觀點探討校園能資源使用之管理策略,第十五屆海峽兩岸環境保護研討會,中國,雲南桂林,桂林理工大學環境科學與工程學院,pp. 916-923。2012.11.2-6。
  28. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、高華聲、賴文亮、繆昌琳、林雯華 (2012) 校園綠化環境分析暨減碳規劃探討,2012 休閒、餐旅、觀光暨健康管理國際學術研討會,台灣屏東,大仁科技大學,pp. 406-413。2012.10.12-13
  29. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李崇垓、廖少威、林國祥 (2012) 國小學童環境知識來源及環境行為探討,2012 休閒、餐旅、觀光暨健康管理國際學術研討會,台灣屏東,大仁科技大學,pp. 399-405。2012.10.12-13
  30. 何鳳月、仲崇毅、高華聲、李崇垓、廖少威  (2012) 高屏地區濕地生態旅遊遊程規劃及解說調查,2012 休閒、餐旅、觀光暨健康管理國際學術研討會,台灣屏東,大仁科技大學,pp. 276-283。2012.10.12-13
  31. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai, Chang-Ling Miaw (2012) Assessment of the Tolerance of Trees to High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide. 2012 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2012). Hohhot, China. 2012.06.22-24.
  32. Chun-Yen Chiu, Wei-Lun Lee, Chung-Yi Chung, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao  (2012) Distribution and sources of PAHs and sediment properties in Southern Taiwan, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2012). Hohhot, China. 2012.06.22-24
  33. Gau Hwa-Sheng , Chung Chung-Yi, Liao Shao-Wei, Lai Wen-Liang (2012) To classify the groundwater hydrographs by factor analysis method, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2012). Hohhot, China. 2012.06.22-24.
  34. 仲崇毅 、廖偉志、陳榮忠 (2012) 以葉綠素螢光值評估七種行道樹對臭氧之耐受性,第三屆環境衛生與永續發展研討會,台灣嘉義,稻江科技暨管理學院,pp. 61-65。2012.05.28。
  35. 仲崇毅 、陳榮忠、廖偉志、高華聲、賴文亮 (2012) 莫拉克風災重建村居民對生活環境品質滿意度分析-以屏東縣長治鄉百合部落為例,第三屆環境衛生與永續發展研討會,台灣嘉義,稻江科技暨管理學院,pp. 144-149。2012.05.28。
  36. Ming-Han Tsai, Hsiao-Jung Ho, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai  (2012) Drinking Water Quality of Small Community in Southern Taiwan after Morakot Typhoon, The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2012). Shanghai, China. pp. 142-145. 2012.05.17-20
  37. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2012) Assessment of the influence of the Tolerance and Purification Ability of Sidewalk Trees to Sulfur Dioxide after Long-term Fumigation. 2012 International Conference on Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering (ICAFBE 2012). Guangzhou, China. 2012.05.11-13.
  38. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2012) The Purifying Efficiency of Trees to High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide. 2012 International Conference on Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering (ICAFBE 2012). Guangzhou, China. 2012.05.11-13.
  39. Lih-Fu Chen, Jen-Jeng Chen, Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Hwa-Sheng Gau, Wen-Liang Lai  (2012) Specific Fluorescent Signature for Microalgaes and their Released Organic Matter. 2012 International Conference on Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering (ICAFBE 2012). Guangzhou, China. 2012.05.11-13.
  40. 仲崇毅 、王詩萍、鍾佩伶、賴文亮、廖少威、李芳胤 (2011) 大專生在校期間碳足跡探討-以大仁科技大學為例,第14 屆海峽兩岸環境保護研討會,台灣台南,成功大學,pp. 132。2011.11.5-6。
  41. 何曉蓉、高華聲、仲崇毅、廖少威、曹靜雯、賴文亮  (2011) 莫拉克風災後原住民部落飲用水源水質之調查,2011環境規劃與處理研討會,台灣台南,成功大學,pp. PLA-7。2011.11.4-5。
  42. 鍾佩伶 、仲崇毅 (2011) 客家板條之營養成分分析與口感分析-以萬巒鄉為例,2011餐旅、休閒、觀光教育發展及趨勢國際學術研討會 (International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Educational Development and Trend),台彎屏東,大仁科技大學,pp. 497-501。2011.10.14-15
  43. Chung-Yi Chung, Pei-Ling Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Shao-Wei Liao  (2011) Sediment quality assessment and apportionment source of pollution of PAHs from neighboring rivers in Dapeng Bay (Taiwan) using canonical discriminant analysis, The International Conference on Green Technologies-Biofactory, Energy Sources, Nanotechnology and Advanced Engineering, Pingtung, Taiwan, pp. 22. 2011.10.12-15.
  44. Jen-Jeng Chen, Chung-Yi Chung, Lih-Fu Chen, Shao-Wei Liao, Chun-Yen Chiu, Wen-Liang Lai  (2011) The Released Organic Matter from Chlorella sp. and Chodatella sp. After Ultrasonication, International Workshop on Environmental Engineering and Technology (IWEET 2011), Kunming, China. 2011.7.29-31.
  45. 李芳胤 、廖偉志、陳炳良、仲崇毅、鍾佩伶 (2011) 底渣再利用對土壤之影響,第十五屆土壤與地下水污染整治研討會,台灣台北,台灣大學,pp. 126。2011.6.29。
  46. Jia-Twu Lee , Wu-Chou Yu, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chong-Yi Zhong, Fu-Ling Wu, Yi-Puin Ho (2011) Analysis of the influence of the Resistance for Taiwans Native Trees Fumed by Sulfur Dioxide Gas, 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2011), Nanjing, China. pp. 4774. 2011.6.24-26.
  47. 曹靜雯、廖少威、仲崇毅、林建立、何曉蓉、賴文亮(2011) 利用光譜分析判別人工濕地單元內外污染源之有機物性質,第25屆環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園,行政院環保署環境檢驗所,pp. G-3。2011.5.13-14。
  48. Chung-Yi Chung, Pei-Ling Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai, Chang-Ling Miaw (2011) Investigation of the influence of odor emission from livestock farms in the surroundings area, The 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2011). The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2011), Wuhan, China. pp. 30. 2011.5.10-12.
  49. Chung-Yi Chung, Wen-Liang Lai, Jen-Jeng Chen, Shao-Wei Liao , Chun-Yen Chiu (2011) Interpretation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminants and soil properties of surface sediment in Dapeng Bay and neighbouring rivers, The 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2011). The International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2011), Wuhan, China. pp. 35. 2011.5.10-12.
  50. Jen-Jeng Chen, Lih-Fu Chen, Chun-Yen Chiu, Chung-Yi Chung, Shao-Wei Liao, Wen-Liang Lai  (2011) The Released Organic Matter from Chlorella sp. And Chodatella sp. after Ultrasonication, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2011), Singapore. 2011.2.26-28.
  51. 仲崇毅 、林國祥、鍾佩伶 (2010) 國小學童環境問題認知之探討-以屏東市與枋寮鄉為例,2010年生態社會與永續發展國際研討會,台灣台北,臺北教育大學,pp. 199。2010.12.18。
  52. 李芳胤、王詩萍、仲崇毅、鍾佩伶 (2010) 焚化廠底渣再利用產品中重金屬化學型態之探討,第八屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料研討會,台灣台北,台灣大學,pp. 189-194。2010.12.6-7。
  53. 仲崇毅 、楊文彬、鍾佩伶、賴文亮 (2010) 畜牧場異味逸散對農業生技園區影響之研究,中華民國環境工程學會2010空氣污染控制技術研討會,台灣屏東,屏東科技大學,pp. 267。2010.11.12-13。
  54. 趙升雲、何曉蓉、陳振正、仲崇毅、廖少威、賴文亮  (2010) 超音波對Chlorella sp.與Chodatella sp.之破壞及釋出各類有機物中螢光強度值之變化,第六屆海峽兩岸水質安全控制技術與管理研討會,中國河南,鄭州國際會展中心,pp. 20。2010.10.11~13。
  55. 李芳胤 、王詩萍、陳炳良、仲崇毅、鍾佩伶 (2010) 垃圾焚化廠底渣重金屬脫附性之探討,第十四屆土壤與地下水污染整治研討會,台灣台北,台灣大學,pp. 167。2010.06.30。
  56. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2010) Assessment and optimization of the husbandry odor deodorization reactor operation conditions, A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement. Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. pp. 395-401. 2010.05.10-14.
  57. 林建立、陳立夫、仲崇毅、邱俊彥、徐淑玲、賴文亮  (2010) 腐植酸、奎寧及水楊酸之螢光特徵圖譜,第24屆2010年環境分析化學研討會,台灣台中,靜宜大學,pp. A-4,2010.04.30-05.01。
  58. 仲崇毅 、王詩萍、李崇垓、邱俊彥、賴文亮、廖少威、鍾佩伶 (2010) 區域碳中和模式之建置與應用,第十三屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,中國重慶,重慶大學。pp. 187。2010.04.23-25。
  59. 陳振正 、仲崇毅、李崇垓、賴文亮、廖少威、周曉莉 (2010) 高錳酸鉀對微藻生物吸附重金屬之影響,第十三屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,中國重慶,重慶大學。pp. 33。2010.04.23-25。
  60. 仲崇毅、邱俊彥、徐淑玲、廖少威、陳上權、賴文亮  (2010) 以實驗設計法探討布袋蓮醣化之最佳操作條件,第十三屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,中國重慶,重慶大學。pp. 97。2010.04.23-25。
  61. 李崇垓 、仲崇毅、陳振正、廖少威、林勳佑、王裕銘 (2010) 煉鋼廠中動力工場鼓風機之除塵效能研究,第十三屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,中國重慶,重慶大學。pp. 118。2010.04.23-25。
  62. 廖少威 、陳振正、仲崇毅、李崇垓、邱俊彥、賴文亮 (2010) 貝類生物多樣性指標與底質參數之相關性研究,第十三屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,中國重慶,重慶大學。pp. 157。2010.04.23-25。
  63. 仲崇毅 、王詩萍、鍾佩伶、蘇明洲、蕭凱鴻 (2010) 以綠建築觀點評估校園碳平衡效益,2009土木與生態工程研討會,台灣高雄,義守大學。pp. 767-775。2010.01.22。ISBN:978-986-6456-08-4。
  64. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung (2009) Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Efficiency by Using Regional Carbon Neutral Model, The 15th International Joint Seminar on the Regional Deposition Processes in the Atmosphere (RDPA) and Climate Change in 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, National Taiwan University. pp.204-208. 2009.11.12-14.
  65. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、繆昌琳、廖偉志 (2009) 生物除臭反應器對養豬場異味控制之效能評估,第26屆空氣污染控制技術研討會,台灣雲林,雲林科技大學。pp. 287。2009.11.6-7。
  66. 仲崇毅 、王詩萍、鍾佩伶、楊文彬、周敏凱、陳崇文 (2009) 校園植栽對溫室氣體減量效益評估--以大仁科技大學為例,第26屆空氣污染控制技術研討會,台灣雲林,雲林科技大學。pp. 330。2009.11.6-7。
  67. 仲崇毅 、楊文彬、鍾佩伶、王詩萍、許慶聞、廖偉志、陳秀雲 (2009) 農業生技園區周遭畜牧業調查及異味濃度探討,2009台灣環境資源永續發展研討會,台灣桃園,中央大學。pp. 17。2009.10.23。
  68. 魏玉姍、李彥偉、仲崇毅、邱俊彥、王柏雄、賴文亮  (2009) 鄰苯二甲酸氫鉀、草酸鈉及醋酸鈉對總有機碳測定儀分析腐植酸含碳量之影響,第23屆2009年環境分析化學研討會,台灣台北,環保署環檢所,pp. 21,2009.05.07~08。
  69. 仲崇毅、吳勤榮、廖少威 、范坤銘、楊慧秀、陳宏哲、梁雅評 (2009) 大鵬灣豐枯水季底質特性時間暨空間變異分析,2009海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會-城市水環境專題研討會,中國天津,天津城市建設學院,pp. 463-473,2009.04.09-15。
  70. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、廖少威、賴文亮、繆昌琳 (2009) 二氧化硫對植物固碳效能影響之研究,2009海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會-城市水環境專題研討會,中國天津,天津城市建設學院,pp. 474-480,2009.04.09-15。
  71. 李崇垓、仲崇毅、陳上權、何曉蓉、李彥緯、賴文亮  (2009) 煙氣中二氧化碳濃度對螺旋藻中色素及胺基酸成份之影響,2009海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會-城市水環境專題研討會,中國天津,天津城市建設學院,pp. 481-491,2009.04.09-15。
  72. 鍾佩伶 、仲崇毅、張瑞珠,溫泉水質暨感官品評分析研究 (2008) 2008國際溫泉產業創新研討會,台灣屏東,大仁科技大學,pp. 41-50,2008.11.13-14。
  73. 楊文彬、仲崇毅 、李崇垓、鍾佩伶、蔡政謀、張潔、蔡宗達、王鈺銘 (2008) 畜牧業堆肥場異味生物防治實場模型設置及效能評估,2008土木與生態工程研討會,台灣高雄,義守大學,pp. 62。2008.10.31。
  74. Shao-Wei Liao , Jen-Jeng Chen, Wen-Liang Lai, Chung-Yi Chung, Chun-Yen Chiu, Chang-Gai Lee (2008) Integrated Management of Estuary for Diffused Pollution of Sediment in Dapeng Bay and Neighboring Rivers (Taiwan), EMECS-8 International Conference, Shanghai, China, East China Normal University, pp. 110-111, 2008.10.26-30.
  75. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤 (2008) 短期熏氣對植物吸收大氣中二氧化硫效能評估,第十二屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,台灣高雄,高雄第一科技大學,pp. 4-28。2008.10.20~26。
  76. 仲崇毅 、李崇垓、鍾佩伶、繆昌琳 (2008) 應用生物處理技術去除畜牧業堆肥場異味之研究,第十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會,台灣台北,景文科技大學,pp.64,2008.9.26-27。
  77. 鍾佩伶、仲崇毅 ,屏東縣游泳池之品質調查研究 (2008) 2008海峽兩岸休閒產業發展學術研討會,台灣台南,關子嶺溫泉會館,pp.32,2008.9.8-9。
  78. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤 (2008) 植栽對鋼鐵廠空氣中微粒物質及SO2淨化效能評估,第五屆海峽兩岸氣溶膠技術研討會,中國新疆烏魯木齊,pp. 297,2008.9.2-6。
  79. Chung-Yi Chung , Pei-Ling Chung, Fang-Yin Lee, Shao-Wei Liao (2008) Assessment of the Sulfur Dioxide Tolerance and Purification Abilities of Side-walk Trees Using Fumigation Technology, 12th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2008). Khon Kaen University, Thailand, pp. 386-387.2008.8.25-29.
  80. 何郁璞、仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤、吳福霖 (2008) 木本植物吸收溫室氣體效益評估,第一屆環境衛生與永續發展研討會,台灣嘉義,稻江技術學院,pp. 11。2008.6.19-20。
  81. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤、吳福霖、何郁璞 (2008) 高濃度二氧化硫對植物固碳潛勢影響評估,第六屆資源與環境管理學術研討會,台灣台南,立德大學,pp. A-2。2008.5.23。
  82. 何郁璞、仲崇毅 、李芳胤、鍾佩伶、吳福霖 (2008) 環境植栽對二氧化硫淨化效益評估,2007土木與生態工程研討會,台灣高雄,義守大學,pp. 329-335。2008.1.4。
  83. 李正忠 、仲崇毅 (2007) 應用創新的灰色修正模式預測交通隧道空氣品質之研究,第三屆資源工程研討會,台灣台南,立德管理學院,pp. 45-59。2007.12.7。
  84. 何郁璞、吳福霖、仲崇毅 、李芳胤、鍾佩伶 (2007) 十種常見行道樹對二氧化硫之抗耐性評估,第三屆資源工程研討會,台灣台南,立德管理學院,pp. 60-66。2007.12.7。
  85. 仲崇毅 、鍾佩伶、李芳胤 (2007) 二氧化硫對植物耐受性影響評估,第二十四屆空氣污染控制技術研討會,台灣高雄,高雄大學,pp. 179。2007.11.23。
  86. 吳福霖、何郁璞、仲崇毅 、李芳胤、鍾佩伶 (2007) 高濃度二氧化硫對植物耐受性影響評估,2007綠色環境經營管理研討會,台灣台中,僑光技術學院,pp. 19。2007.11.2。
  87. C. Y. Chung , P.L. Chung (2007) Carbon Monoxide Distribution in a Longitudinal Ventilated Traffic Tunnel, The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Tuntex Sky Tower, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 55. 2007.8.26-29.
  88. Chung, C.Y. ; Chung, P.L. (2007) Air Quality Modeling Development and Application in a Traffic Tunnel, AWMA 100th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, U.S.A., pp. 85-86. 2007.6.26-29.
  89. 仲崇毅 、 鍾佩伶 (2007) 隧道空氣品質模式之發展與應用。第十一屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,中國哈爾濱,工業大學,pp. 1332-1335。2007.6.8-10。
  90. 吳福霖、李葆嵐、何育璞、仲崇毅  (2006) 常見行道樹對大氣中污染物(SO2、NO2)抗耐性評估研究,環境與職業流行病學研討會,台灣,屏東,大仁科技大學,pp.77。2006.12.01。
  91. 仲崇毅 ,李葆嵐 (2006) 對空氣污染物淨化力與忍耐力優良樹種之篩選與評估,2006環境污染控制評估研討會,台灣,新竹,元培技術學院,pp. A46,2006.06.23。
  92. Chung, C.Y. ; Chung, P.L. (2004) Measurement and Three Dimensional Simulation of Air pollutants in A Road Tunnel, AWMA 97th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Indianapolis Indiana, U.S.A., pp. 244, 2004.6.22~25. (
  93. Chung, C.Y. ; Chen, K.S.; Lou, J.C. (2001) Three Dimensional Modeling and  Measurement of Air Pollutants in A Longitudinal Ventilated Traffic Tunnel, 12th World Clean Air & Environment Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea, Vol. 2, pp. 255, 2001.8.26~31.
  94. Chung, C.Y. ; Chung, P.L.; Chen, K.S. (2001) Three Dimensional simulation of Air Pollutants Dispersion in A Cross-Harbor Tunnel, International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies, O-77.
  95. Chung, C.Y. ; Chen, K.S., Chung, P.L. (2001) Modeling Air Pollution in A Road Tunnel,18屆空氣污染控制技術研討會,pp. 44。
  96. 仲崇毅 、陳康興 (2001) 車行隧道內污染物擴散傳輸之三維數值模擬分析,第七屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會論文集(上卷),中國,武漢,武漢大學,pp. 705-710。2001.4.21~25。
  97. Chung, C.Y. ; Wang, S.W.; Lou, J.C.; Chen, K.S. (2000) Characteristic Studies of Air Pollutants Transport and Traffic Flow in Chungcheng and Cross-Harbor Tunnels in Kaohsiung City (Part 1): Measurement Results, Kaohsiung 2000 International Conference on Air Quality Management, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 343-348, 2000.10.30~31.
  98. 仲崇毅 、陳康興、袁中新、鍾佩伶 (2000) 車行隧道內空氣動力分析及污染物擴散模擬之研究,第7屆全國計算流體力學研討會,屏東墾丁,pp. N1-N6。2000.8.25~27.
  99. 仲崇毅 、陳康興 (1999) 高雄市隧道及地下道空氣污染物擴散模擬及改善策略研擬,高雄市,第1屆空污基金研討會。1999.6.4。
  100. 陳康興、仲崇毅 、袁中新、洪崇軒 (1998) 高雄過港隧道內空氣污染物擴散模擬之研究,中壢,中央大學,15屆空氣污染控制技術研討會,pp. 582-588。1998.11.21~22。

1. 氣密式氣體熏氣箱 (airtight fumigation chamber) (新型第M453350)